January 30, 2005
I have agreed, here on my blog, and on the Kids in the Hall Forum that If Bruce McCulloch agreed to come to the East Coast, I would happily pick everyone up. The offer still stands, and someone from that forum has taken the time out to create a petition for the cause. I really think that if he does not have any prior engagements, if he saw how many people were interested, he might just consider it. This is a long shot, but it is worth the try. If you are in the East Coast area, and you would go to a show, SIGN THE PETITION. I have put up several links in both the Stoner and Donor categories, so you should have no problem finding it. If you are just as passionate as we are, then I encourage you to do the same. It is my duty to the poor brucio fans on the East Coast to do everything in my power to get him to acknowledge our request. SIGN SIGN SIGN!!!
January 28, 2005
Every Friday, I've decided to do something a little special. I will try and post at least one picture of the day, but at the end of the week, I will display the one one I am proudest of. This picture of the week will brighten everyone's day, and it will be a new tradition here at The Stoner Chronicles for as long as I can remember to put it up.
And now, the inaugural picture of "Papa and Me", which I made Birdman take in front of a tourist group of about 25 people.
posted from the stoner photo gallery
January 26, 2005
January 25, 2005
If you talk to celebrities in your head, you're probably fat.
I'm sitting here on my laptop from 1998, and i'm smoking a little early today. It's 6:30, and I have a whiskey sour and a bowl packed for myself. Birdman had to get up early today, so I was alone for most of today. My mom bought me some chinese food, and I talked to my grandmother about the pros and cons of breastfeeding. I hope there aren't any wetnurses with AIDS around, that would suck. I don't really want to go back to school. I need it to stay happy, and yet I don't want to go? I should be putting that idea in my pipe instead of this tobacco. There are three movies up, all at the same time that I wanted to go to tonight, but I don't feel like washing my hair. Beyond the Sea is probably bunkum, there's nothing I can't fucking stand more than some hyped up movie that sucks ass. I guess Kinsey got some bad reviews, and Sideways is up for some Oscars. I wish I knew how to make one of those blog polls. How can people type drunk. This is bad. Goodbye.
January 24, 2005
I love Sacha Baron Cohen
I heard about this a week ago, but I figured I'd share it with everyone. You'd had to imagine it would happen eventually, but I thought it would be Bruno before Borat:
"Throw the Jew down the Well" was fine, but talk about dubbya and Amurika, and you're in trouble, soldier!
"Throw the Jew down the Well" was fine, but talk about dubbya and Amurika, and you're in trouble, soldier!
January 23, 2005
January 20, 2005
I'm sorry to exploit you like this Superbowl, but I just came across this picture again, and I had to share it with everyone. Everyweek Superbowl would share with us her "WTF?" picture that she found online. I would look forward to this sort of thing again, if only she could find it in her heart to reissue *one* more "WTF?" picture in honor of our things being broken into by crackheads, and stuff.
posted from the stoner photo gallery
January 19, 2005
January 18, 2005
January 17, 2005
San Francisco
Eventually, I knew there would come a time where I wouldn't feel like writing the Stoner Chronicles. I just didn't think it would happen this soon. Really though, no one likes to read as much as they like to listen. So with my new digital camera and voice recorder, I begin to document this blog and my life with MEDIA TECHNOLOGY.
I'll still continue to write every once in a while, but why the fuck would I do that with all of this MEDIA TECHNOLOGY around.
here we go!
Eventually, I knew there would come a time where I wouldn't feel like writing the Stoner Chronicles. I just didn't think it would happen this soon. Really though, no one likes to read as much as they like to listen. So with my new digital camera and voice recorder, I begin to document this blog and my life with MEDIA TECHNOLOGY.
I'll still continue to write every once in a while, but why the fuck would I do that with all of this MEDIA TECHNOLOGY around.
here we go!