do I have to name every post, or?
And I don't know if I should talk about this or not, but it's really been bugging me. Why haven't I seen a retard dressed to the nines since the Prom? Now, I don't want to get into trouble with the National Retard Center or whatever, once I got in trouble for saying the word "retard" in front of the "special needs" teacher, and she still won't look me in the eye. I would never call a retard a "retard" to their faces. And isn't that what it's all about? The stigma of the little anorexic whore, crooking her frigid little acrylic nail towards the meek multicolored sweater wearing "re-tard". Once I saved a retard from being made fun of in high school by these two really trashy girls. But I just think it would be in their best interest to hire an aid that really knew what they were doing. I think it would really make people look at the problem if they didn't dress like Fresh Prince extras, you know? I'm not gonna sugar coat their inaccuracies like the bullshit redeye performance driven members that have apparently clogged the normal hole. I didn't let that retarded girl down in gym, and I'm not going to let her drown now. It's like, i'm already embarassed, but dammit. Somebody has to say this shit.