Going Back to Community College...
I hate not knowing what the fuck i'm supposed to do with my life. I'm entering my second year of community college tomorrow, and I'd have to say that this semester is probably the most pointless schedule I've ever mustered to scum up while I was high. My classes might be a little more impressive if I was say, at a real college, but now I'm just getting silly. I picked courses just because they sound funny. Like, I'm taking Bowling. Isn't that fantastic? Bowling class at community college. I'm also taking a Beginning Filmmaking class, Creative Writing, Beginning Piano, Weight Training, and the Fundamentals of Music. It's everything I kind of have to know before I move "Out West".
I'm beginning to accept that there is no turning back, at this point. I'll be a loser for the rest of my life if I don't leave in May. I've started a collection of "los angeles" t-shirts. Not vintage t-shirts to impress people or anything, but actual t-shirts that say Los Angeles! I have a Los Angeles Police Department t-shirt, I have an ugly brown exercise shirt with a hot bitch on it running with "los angeles" written on it 5 times. Classic. It's from Old Navy. So I guess I only have two t-shirts. But i'm working on it. Nothing says rockstar like wearing a t-shirt that says "los angeles". And that's how why I'm going to make it, and others aren't.
I'm beginning to accept that there is no turning back, at this point. I'll be a loser for the rest of my life if I don't leave in May. I've started a collection of "los angeles" t-shirts. Not vintage t-shirts to impress people or anything, but actual t-shirts that say Los Angeles! I have a Los Angeles Police Department t-shirt, I have an ugly brown exercise shirt with a hot bitch on it running with "los angeles" written on it 5 times. Classic. It's from Old Navy. So I guess I only have two t-shirts. But i'm working on it. Nothing says rockstar like wearing a t-shirt that says "los angeles". And that's how why I'm going to make it, and others aren't.