The Stoner Chronicles

June 21, 2003

Why does everything have to be so fucking difficult, and why does my vagina smell?

Let's catch everyone up:

I'm going to the Humber College of Comedy Summer Workshop in July with Angelator

I'm making some serious self-esteem adjustments, including some new sex toys, and a potential relationship

a very very potential relationship, so potential i shouldn't be talking about it, but it's my fucking blog, and I can say whatever I want

i fucked up college...i'm transferring somewhere where I can live in peace, and hopefully without a lot of smoke

i am still a stoner

there's lots of MSG at Applebee's!

I think I have lice, and my hair is incredibly short

i'm going to check myself into a cheap motel room for a week and write my own bible

black people can really sing and dance...

yesterday, i had a sexual fantasy about snoop dog, and the day before that, i got a yeast infection...

and the day before that, my friend stole my hair dryer

who the fuck has the balls to steal a hairdryer?


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