The Stoner Chronicles

July 15, 2004

Maybe I shouldn't have completely deleted my other template, err...(that is not an angry "err", it is a confused one, which is acceptable, if I ever hear any of my friends use the term "err" to represent frustration, i will break into their apartments and curl up in bed with them for the night, and wait)

I don't know why my site meter isn't working, when they ask you if you want to see a preview, that should be how it's *ACTUALLY GOING TO LOOK*, because all the links worked in the previews and that's why I deleted everything old.

I can't believe I initiated this change. Usually Lynisse would do this shit for me, she'd start getting sick of the colors or something. I've been trying to find other stoner blogs, and apart from my new friend who writes Stoner Diary, I can't seem to find any recently posted shit. Even so, I am going to add a few new features on the side that Flippin Wench might find interesting, seeing that she is one of probably less than 10 people that read this shit still.

Birdman did not take my laundry out of the washer this morning, so I have clean clothes that are not dry. His mother knocked on the door and told me that she put everything in the dryer. I had approximately every pair of panties I own in that load. Shit my pants not funny, friends...

Sometimes, I think about walking naked from Birdman's room to the bathroom a short 5 feet away, but If I had the boozkies to do that, I should probably try walking out of the door clothed before 2 pm first. Yesterday, I ended up leaving here around 4:30, I spent the entire day in his room, I didn't even leave to use the pottie. I am sorry if this post is uneventful. I became frustrated while working on my blog last night, and I found a REALLY old bag of shit, and rolled it up proper, talked to myself for about 2 hours and then wandered downstairs to make myself a sandwich. Needless to say I'm a little airey up there this fine rainy morning.


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