The Stoner Chronicles

May 24, 2002

i don't really think an album, a tour, and a movie categorizes you as "busy"...i think the term "happy" might come to mind...

I've been in such a fucking rut lately. All of my friends are in "a mood" too...some of us are pilaging friggin, although they don't know exactly how beautiful they really are, while the rest of us sit home all day, too depressed to find a job, or even their own niche, even though that's exactly what I need right now...what they need...fuck it...

This has to be the worst week in the history of the world...let's recount...

a. i got fucking dumped by a guy i would pretty much die for...which says a lot about my capabilities as a human being at this point...

b. the country is going to blow up...i believe Joe's Julio (who lives in queens) put it quite candidly "the weird part is that i'm about to spend close to $6,000 on dental work, and I might die in a terrorist bombing"

c. i completely forgot the signifigance of this post, thus proving that at *can* smoke entirely too much weed...

i'm sitting here in the elton john t-shirt ryonce stole for me, wrapped up in an old afghan, and although I did make it into the shower this morning, i didn't push anywhere past the intregal task of changing one's undergarments...

I think this is what they call "depression"; My head is literally too heavy for my body, even my teeth hurt. It's not him, it really isn't...I'm basically over all of that...well, 'over' is a strong word...

besides, I have other, more reliable things to concentrate on, like drugs and usenet...they'll always be there for a good laugh...everytime i get down, i jump online and know, that it's really not all that bad...lynn still can't find that cat template i've been looking for...anyone know where i can find a cat template?

I probably shouldn't even bother wasting part of my blog for this, but I really want to take the time out to feel sorry for a few people that I know of. I feel bad making fun of them, simply because that community really is the extent of their's the honest truth....i don't think i've heard them mention even *one* person that they're friends with by say, normal socialization methods, the classic "grocery shopping" routine or "drinking with other people" schpeil...sad sad, are those sorts of folk, who will always hide behind that aggressive cloak, they don't know any better, but believe me they've walked over the wrong crack in the cement these days... over...

my sister works too hard...she's sleeping in the chair next to me, grunting wildly in her sleep...whenever i'm next to someone who's in an obvious REM pattern, i get this sudden urge to fake some catastrophic, shake Angelator awake screaming "HOLY FUCK, THEY GOT THE STATUE OF LIBERTY!!"...and then after she defecates all over the lazy-boy..."i said...did you want ranch or italian?"


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