The Stoner Chronicles

March 02, 2002

oh sisters, so little time and so much to tell you

first i would like to voice my concern with evil AOL and blogger...a plea really


sheesh story of the and friggin wench, and her ex, swift went to this 24 hour food place, got stoned in the pickup and then went to swift's local hole in the wall for a few drinks. i was so fucked up that i could barely breathe...we got in drunken fights with midgets and then a guy with a googly eye dropped five pound candy bar in my lap..and it wasn't even a dream...

*****the only thing worse than not having any smoke, is having smoke but not being able to smoke it, furthermore the only bad thing about having a five pound hershey bar in your lap is when it's the googly eye guy's kid's candy bar******

so i lean over to friggin wench and i tell her.."i must be in heaven man" was the best day of my life

revert back to the last time you imagine if you were stoned in a bar, and a guy handed you...A FIVE POUND CHOCOLATE BAR...(i'm good at imagery, eh?)...exactly, that's how i felt...

children masturbate....children in their phallic stage (excuse the hell out of me fur being freudian), which is ages 3-6, play with themselves...apparently they do this a lot...why didn't i know about this? there was a loss of innocence in psychology class today, i tell you...

(disclaimer: i'm going to rant)

it's kinda like when i tryed out fur the musical my sophomore year in highschool. Everyone else knew "a do a deer..." like it was mashed potatoes, and i'm sitting there like, what the fuck i don't know i had time to watch some bitch up on a hill with dyke hair(alone on a hill...a bitch with a stupid grin is sitting perfectly still/and nobody wants to know her/cause they think that she might have a gun...UZI: THE MUSICAL, anyone?)...but everyone was like, "oh yea, who doesn't know that song?" and i'm like me me me I DONT know that song...

it makes me ponder the validity of common strangles individuality, like "it's okay to find yourself billy, but if you don't know that lincoln is the 16th president, satan's going to rape you while your sleeping..." What should be "understood" between people? does it make me a better person, or even a more normal person because i know what goes on top of pizza(pineapples and m&m's..but only the yellow ones)? we live in this world of "understood" phrases and consequences...and we wonder why so many smaller countries with hand made weapons want to "bring us down"....america's just one big inside joke, and osama is the kid who crapped his pants on the bus to the zoo...

and then my mother (who works in a kindergarten room) goes "are you kidding me? you should see them at naptime...they're all humping their mats..."

bern never called me...he was supposed to be here today...but then he must have had better things to do than spend time with me. You should need a license to fuck, better yet, you should need a deer killing license to fuck, because i be the girl who works in the deer killing licensing office must really want to kill herself by now, all those plaid clad toothpick chewing bastards, swingin their big guns at her...

at least i don't work in a deer killing licensing office...however any thought that starts out like that automatically makes you a loser....

i don't know how many times someone can break your heart before you're forced to give up on them..i'm not the best lover either, but dammit i try...i'm confused...if anyone has any "bastard canadian b/f advice....put it in my guestbook...fuck no one reads this...


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