The Stoner Chronicles

May 31, 2002

"I probably shouldn't even bother wasting part of my blog for this, but I really want to take the time out to feel sorry for a few people that I know of. I feel bad making fun of them, simply because that community really is the extent of their's the honest truth....i don't think i've heard them mention even *one* person that they're friends with by say, normal socialization methods, the classic "grocery shopping" routine or "drinking with other people" schpeil...sad sad, are those sorts of folk, who will always hide behind that aggressive cloak, they don't know any better, but believe me they've walked over the wrong crack in the cement these days..."

i suppose i should go on the record that i was referring to the canadian farmer...

all this attention for little old me?...

the sad part is, my girlfriend said it perfectly in her online journal...who acts very much like a 20 year old...i think...

"(oh and, for the record, i saw the odds live in 1997. good for me! points again!)"

( saw them...because...oh nevermind)

"isn't she so wise beyond her 19 years?"

( i think this is a subliminal request to go drinking with me in Canada...i'm up for it, eh?)

"of course. you might make friends at the grocery store shoving bananas and carrots up your ass, but not everyone is into that skanky sort of "clean up on aisle 11" type of thing. why don't you tell us some more about your internet buddy, lynn?"

just ignore them...they're trying to start trouble...i think she's jealous...and for the record, i use cucumber's C-U-...

"walked over the wrong crack in the cement meaning how, no one put you on a pedestal, and your life is sad because rather than like you, a kid in the hall insulted you, and you felt the need to bring it up time after time in the newsgroup..."
Sloan video representative: ok, we're short...what the fuck are we gonna do?

(cut to a frightened pacing acne-ridden 15 yr. old...)

Sloan video producer: we're gonna have to use the locals...

this sentence just makes my day...i love the kids in the hall...but i don't know them, nor do i care to all that much...sure, bruce is hot...i'm a backstage junkie, and scott was an asshole, he's a human, blah all of you flip out like 5 year olds because i took away your kithie life support...and it's my fault...i was told to tell the story or get out...i'm ashamed at myself for telling any of you, but pleased now that i'm not hypnotized by the boils anymore...

as you can one that i know is making such a big deal out of this

why is that bella?

probably because they have lives, but more importantly, because they're genuine people...and they're probably afraid that gina's gonna show up with a bazooka at the mark play...take us all out...

"or is it a much more deep rooted psychological thing that i am missing?"

something tells me ur missing something up there...

"either way, i'm sorry i felt bad when she was hurt by scott, because hey, when i think about it, it was well deserved."

Bella's thought process: "wow...she has a that she's got that job of sucking tavie's toenails, bruce will surely want't say it..."

what i was trying to point out, is that she's absolutely right...i *really* wanted to be one of them...because they seem to be closest to the troupe...and then I found a bunch of really great friends, and i knew that i didn't have to compromise my morals to fit in with fucking kids in the hall fans...

so when sexy steven stewbot blocked me from his buddy-list, i was a little piffed, yes...especially because i did absolutely nothing to him, this time around i *really* didn't do anything everyone's obviously going to take his side, he really is a nice guy, and that's when i got angry, ironically...feeling sorry that a guy like that has to have friends like made me cherish the real folks i *know* in daily life, and feel true sorrow for the one's who just *have* to say something...i'm not suprised in the least...this time, i just don't give a fuck...

they're waa-waa babes, who think that i'm like every other fat chic with a notepad...

BUT...i'm not going to leave the newsgroup anytime soon, and i'm going to say exactly what i feel on my page because ITS MY FUCKING fuck off, then...buggers, as liz has told me to do to them for weeks now...i didn't ask you to read this, this ISNT a public forum, as you would say if i had mentioned any of this on your pissing grounds...

don't you get it? you can't scare me or any new lurkers away from now on...i'll be the martyr of the kithies...i'm sure lynn would be willing to make t-shirts...come out of the closet, i've talked to so many of you, don't be afraid to say a god-damn thing...

steve brought the truth to light...follow it my children...

i'm also a psychic...i know exactly what they're going to say about this beforehand...

A. absolutely nothing
B. something sarcastic (dave foley fans being...sarcastic? good bella...)

if you don't like me...frankly my kithies...

erin...i mean lynn...make me a sandwich?


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